
21st October: Read A Black Author In Public
Nottingham Black Archive are back this Black History season with Read a Black Author in Public to promote diverse reading and authors of African decent. read more →

22nd Sep 2017 We Will Remember Them…
We Will Remember Them... aims to uncover hidden narratives that will strengthen the coverage of under-represented groups in relation to the centenary of the Great War. Empire troops fought in the most infamous battles of the war, including at Ypres and Passhendaele, but the hidden histories of soldiers from the Caribbean and South Asia still need to be recovered and their stories told, not only in scholarly monographs but in other cultural forms too. This project is funded by Arts & Humanities Research Council (AHRC) and is being delivered in association with the Centre For Hidden Histories and Renaissance One read more →

23rd February 2017 Black In The City Q& A
Nottingham Black Archive are holding a FREE event designed for you to find out more about the Black In The City poetry anthology and how you can support the project. read more →

4th March 2017 Scanning Social at Nottingham Contemporary
Bring along your objects, photographs, books, newspaper clippings - anything that documents your personal story and relationship to Black heritage and culture. We are specifically interested in receiving objects and photos from the 1970s and 80s but not exclusively so read more →

Ain’t nothin’ but a heartache
This event was organised jointly with the Nottingham Playhouse and provided a rare opportunity to hear from one of the first black stars to appear on British TV, singer Viola Billups, aka Pearly Gates from Alabama, and Nottingham’s community activist, Louise Garvey. read more →

Armchair Traveller
On the 28th May NBA hosted a whistle stop tour of the Black presence in the NG7 area of Nottingham from the earliest point in time to the present day . Stories were told through poetry, music, film and drama by members of the Nottingham community, including the first generation of Caribbeans to settle in Nottingham during the 1950s. read more →

Black In The City
On Saturday 1st October, 7pm-9:30pm, at Nottingham Writers Studio, Nottingham Black Archive will be asking the question, "what is it like to be Black in The City?" We will be taking a fresh look at the Black experience in Nottingham, comparing present day happenings with the Windrush era and asking what has changed? What has remained? And if there is still a battle to fight?! Doors open at 6:45 for registration the event is 7-9:30pm Saturday 1st October 2016, Nottingham Writers Studio, 25 Hockley, Nottingham NG1 1FP read more →