Treasure In The Archive
We have turned 6 this year and have planned 6 events for each joyous year of our existence. Our third event is on the 28th July at New Art Exchange in collaboration with Black Cultural Archive (BCA) Treasure In The Archive series.
On the 28th July Emma Harrison, the Assistant Archivist at Black Cultural Archives, will be talking about the life story of Phillis Wheatley. Wheatley was the first published African-American woman, receiving critical acclaim for her published volume of poetry. Brought to Boston, MA, in 1761 by the slave ship ‘The Phillis’, she visited in England in 1772, where her poetry was also published.
Nottingham Black Archive will also be presenting work from the Write Black To The Beginning project, to include live poetry performances, music and a discussion about the representation of Black writers in UK Literature industry.
Click the link to book your ticket. Tickets are free but we are asking for a £3 donation which will go towards the cost of the event.